
We provide the healthcare professionals to Hospitals, Long term cares, Retirement homes and community homes.

Our in-house Nursing Practice Consultant works with your facility and our nurses to ensure that they possess the skills and knowledge to perform confidently in various clinical settings.

We conduct regular follow-ups to ensure each employee we supply has met your needs and you are satisfied with their performance.

Healthcare Staffing Services

We are committed to being your reliable staffing partner, we have registered nurse and Registered practical nurses and personal support staff that are available 24/7, 365 days each year. The healthcare professionals we provide comprise of the following:

  • Registered Nurses (RNs)
  • Registered Practical Nurses (RPNs)
  • Unregulated Care Providers (UCPs)
  • Personal Support Workers (PSWs)
  • Patient Companions
  • Physiotherapist
  • Palliative Nurses

Home Care & Community Support

Our healthcare professionals are available to provide quality home care services in the comfort of clients’ homes. Our healthcare professionals are trained to assist with the demands of one’s activities of daily living (ADLs), including medication administration, wound care, catheter care, cleaning, bathing, and grooming.

Our team works closely with patients and their families to ensure that their care needs are met within a personalized care plan tailored to promote the quality of life. Penuella Health Care Inc. conducts patient and environment assessments to make sure that safety remains a priority.

Our team provides quality care as well as educating the patients, families, caregivers, and their loved ones about the disease or injury process, treatment plan, medications, diet and nutrition.

Palliative Care and hospice services

We understand that caring for a terminally ill family member is a demanding role and it is not easy to do it alone. Penuella Health Care Inc. is here to help provide qualified healthcare personnel to assist with a comfortable end-of-life experience and an easier transition for loved ones and families.

At this stage in life, we do place our focus on treating the disease but rather treating the clients in best possible manner. Our healthcare team will support the client’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

We want our clients and their families to remain in the comfort of a safe and peaceful setting, as they approach the end of life with care and dignity.

Dementia care

Caring for an aging loved one with dementia can be both rewarding and stressful. An aging parent diagnosed with dementia might be found wandering away, becoming forgetful, having trouble communicating and being easily angered. Our dementia care team have gone through the proper IPAC, therapeutic approach and dementia training to provide best dementia care to our patients to provide quality of life.

Our care team are trained to become qualified dementia care experts to understand and assist in these challenging times and that is why Penuella Health Care Inc. is available to help.